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Five Home Care and Maintenance Tips

General Trish Pigott 13 Aug

Home care is something we often neglect. Between our daily and weekly to do lists, home care is something that often falls by the wayside. But it makes a big difference. Your home and property benefit from regular care checkups.

The good news is tackling home maintenance in 10-minute increments is the best way to get it done. We have listed below 5 ways you can keep your home feeling cared for below.

Replace your furnace filters seasonally. This is a good home care tip to do every three months at most. Doing this will increase your furnace efficiency by 15 percent!

Clean the air conditioner grill and register. The same as the furnace filter receiving routine care, this care time will improve efficiency.

Conduct a garage door safety check. Put the door into manual mode and lift it: it should glide smoothly and stay open on its own three feet from the ground. If not, have a pro counterbalance it. Put a medium-sized object on the ground (a small cardboard box or lightweight plastic laundry hamper, for example) and close the door. It should pop up as soon as it meets the obstacle. If not, call a professional to have your door checked and fixed.

Check your water heater for signs of leakage or rust. If the seams between the hot water tank and its connecting pipes appear to be rusty or corroded, it is time to call a professional to see if the tank can be repaired or if it needs to be replaced.

Clean your kitchen exhaust hood. This appliance is designed to filter airborne grease, combustion products, fumes, and smoke, so it’s important to take the time to clean it once in a while.