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5 Easy and Effective Ways to Increase Your Credit Score

General Trish Pigott 7 Apr

Most Canadians do not fully understand how credit scores are generated yet they are the most important determining factor when being approved for a mortgage.  If you need to improve your credit score and make a quick impact, here are 5 ways to do it quickly and effectively. 

~Pay All Bills on Time – Late payments are a score killer.

~Keep balances less than 75% of the limit amount (Example; Limit is $1000, keep balance less than $750)

~Do not allow any account to go over limit.  This is a major score killer.

~Limit your enquiries to 5 per year.  Do not let anyone check your credit unless you are certain you need them to or will be buying from them.  

~Do not allow any bills to go to collections.  These kill your score.  And if you have some, pay them off or settle them so it’s noted on your credit report.

I have developed a credit repair program over the years for clients that has proven results.  If you would like more information, contact me directly.