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Self Employed Documents Needed For A Mortgage

General Trish Pigott 12 Mar

If you are self employed and needing a mortgage, get the following documents prepared:

Most recent Notice of Assessment

If there was a balance owing, those taxes must be paid so ensure you have confirmation of that

Confirmation of being self employed for the past two years;

Sole Proprietor:

2 years T1 Genereals (full copy) including statement of business activities

Currnet business bank statements

Curent business license


Articles of Incorporation

Last 2 years accountant prepared Financial Statements

If you have been self employed for less than 2 years, there are options for that as well.  The best thing to do is to contact me directly for advice on where you fit into the mortgage qualification process for Self Employed individuals.  Contact me anytime at 604-729-7940.