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What to know about Mortgage Renewal Time.

General Trish Pigott 14 Jun

Once there are about three months left in your mortgage term, your lender will send you a renewal letter. While most borrowers sign and send back their renewal without ever shopping around for a more favourable interest rate, this is the best time to check out your options.

Since your term is ending, it is perfect to shop the market or redo your mortgage without penalty! If you have wanted to change your lender, obtain a lower rate, extend your amortization or even change your mortgage from a fixed rate to a variable rate (or vice versa). At Primex Mortgages, we can help by shopping the market for you and finding the best product that suits your unique needs.

If you are considering switching lenders, you must inquire about any existing life insurance or other policies, as this could be affected if you change lenders. You should also be aware that NEW insurance could be more expensive as you are reapplying, and your circumstances (age, health) will have changed since your initial mortgage term and insurance plan was signed.

We can help answer all your refinancing questions and shop the market for a better rate! With access to over 90 lenders, we can quickly compare mortgage rates and products and help you switch! With over 20 years of experience, our team understands every mortgage is unique. We can help guide you in the right direction. Contact us to make your renewal a stress-free process.

Let us help! Contact us today at 604-552-6190 or

You can also CLICK HERE to book a free mortgage review call!

Trish & The Primex Team